Assignment 02 | GD 220-01 | Fall 2018 | 3 CREDITS
A Day in the Life
Adapted from an assignment by Mark Sanders
HTML / CSS webpage
Design and develop web pages for a collaborative / interactive storytelling project presenting a day in the life of a MICA Graphic Design student. Through typography, composition and images, enhance how someone visually experiences your day. Build a one-page web site based on your design.
October 11
Assign: Document your assigned day using a camera, write captions for each image and write 2 paragraphs for two entries.
October 18
Review work
In-class: Content organization & sketches
Assign: CSS styling
October 25
Review work
Assign: CSS styling
November 1
Final Critique
November 8
Final Files Due
- Take a photo every hour (while you are awake) of your assigned day. This image should describe either where you are or what you are doing at this time. Write down a caption for each photo as you take them. Two or more of these hours must include at least two paragraphs each of detailed description about what you are doing the moment the photo was taken. Photos must be at least 1200 pixels wide (hopefully much larger).
- Organize your gathered content, focusing on how each hour is visually connected (or disconnected) to the next, as well as all the others. Crop photos or edit text as needed to clarify. Enhance hierarchy and communication through composition and typography.
- Sketch mock-ups of the overall structure of your timeline, as well as the individual hourly modules of time. What remains consistent? What changes? Why?
- Translate the overall structure of your timeline into HTML / CSS.
- Style type, images, backgrounds, textures, rules, etc. with CSS.
- Troubleshoot and refine your work as needed.
- The title for your page must be the date of the day you chronicled.
- The specific time / hour must be displayed in addition to your content.
- Each hour of your day must have one photo and a corresponding caption. At least 2 hours of your day much each include at least 2 paragraphs of supporting text in addition to photo / caption.
- All content (images and text) and supporting graphics must be your own.
- Unless part of a photograph, all text must be HTML / CSS.